Sunday, October 18, 2015

This Week of School :-)

          This was a week I barely could completely remember all of my classes because I was focused on this new thing we first heard about before retreat, called "Intramurals". Intramurals is refereeing, scorekeeping, and responsible for bringing the needed supplies for flag football. We had 7th first on Wednesday, which was extremely more tame and not super crazy compared to eighth graders that would take it way too seriously and could actually get hurt. During the eight grade game, there was one student on field A that kept running and always slipped in front of us, sometimes hitting us. Then we had 7th again after eighth the next day. Now for my classes. Pd. 1 (Math): Not a lot that actually had to be done, just a brand new unit started. Pd. 2 (Science): We just started learning about cells, which was had a bit of extensive vocabulary, because I couldn't understand most of the terms. Pd. 3 (Basic Keyboarding): This was very upsetting because this is the first time I received a B on my accuracy test, I think I just gotta remember my key location and slow down again and build it back up. Pd. 4 (ELA): We just started reviewing for our second Embedded Assessment even though we just finished the first before break. Since it's another one i'm assuming it will be another 25% of my grade. Pd. 5 (Leadership) We had only 2 leadership periods this week, the first one I can't recall very well, but we just learned about the personal display board, what to do, and when it's due. Chad and Deriecka were also on a FT so Kaylin was in charge of us and they weren't there for pd. 5. Pd. 6 (SS): This week we did a timeline on King Kamehameha the Great. I didn't get a lot of information off of my notes, probably because the video I saw wasn't the best for notes. One of the facts I learned was that he was named "Paiea" at a young age and trained in secret due to the order to kill him by another ali'i.
           My Highlights for the week are: My Intramural jobs were a success, other than the fact I almost forgot to count shaking hands because I was in a confused state. We were able to finish Markee or Marquee on time before recess. I know how to do my leadership job myself and learned how to give the fall pictures to everyone who ordered. It was really funny, because when I asked if they were sure they bought fall pictures, one of them said they didn't buy and some told me they didn't know and sounded like they didn't. I don't understand the point in coming by if you didn't buy, and if you come saying you don't know, then tell me nevermind. It's a waste of time and there were other people who were waiting too. Some of this is a low light, and speaking of lowlights, I should probably get to that now. My first lowlight is that I received a B in Basic Keyboarding for the first time. Like I said,  I should get used to remembering the keys first. Being a week away from school can really affect your skills. The second lowlight, is that our group leaders were missing on Tuesday because of a FT and Thursday took up all over our Period 5 time because of Marquees and coloring in the Letter Display Boards. To top it all off we had lockdowns that same day that took like 20 minutes.
           The lesson I learned this week is doing your best, or trying with your best effort. This was a lesson I somewhat thought of while I was watching flag football. Everyone was giving it their all and most that did probably scored more goals (even though it's not exactly counted compared to the other things) and those people did great. Even if you give it your all, there's no need to be so salty about not winning or making things go your way. Sportsmanship is important because it shows people that giving it your all doesn't mean you'll take it badly and you'll seem like a nicer person. Let's say your in class, about to take a test, but you don't actually do anything to prepare for it because you think you know it all, but you get a C on it. That's not trying your best because if you didn't study and you thought you knew it all, that's not trying at all. This is why trying your best is very important, and in my opinion, mostly important in academics.

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