Sunday, January 10, 2016

My first week back!

     These past 3 days have been hard, but they also had a semi positive outcome. With third quarter here, there is a lot to do with Orientation and Yearbook. It's not easy to have to do Orientation banners, practice dancing, work on yearbook, and not to mention AR has weekly goals now but i'm not to worried about that in contrast to the other things we have to do this quarter. Plus this week had it's ups and downs, like how I was able to get my vest back, but for a big cost. I must keep working hard and stop making careless mistakes. On that note, I have to show why I am in Leadership in the first place and make sure Mr. Ing doesn't rethink putting me in. Other than that I think this has been a successful first week of the quarter, I have have to keep it that way.
     My highlights of the week are: Me and the rest of the 7th graders in Pd. 5 finished Marquee in the 15 minute time limit that we had. I got my vest back, but in exchange for another bad thing related to this. My classes were good, and I have a new elective: Home Economics. My lowlights of the week are: The bad thing in exchange for my vest was that someone else in my period got on probation in exchange. Though, that was the only lowlight of the week, which is good because I started off the quarter with less lowlights then I did last quarter. New quarter, fresh start!
     My lesson of the week is mistakes are supposed to be a learning experience, they aren't there for you to do it again. I realized that over my winter break when I really started thinking about what I should do to improve and do better in Leadership, STOP MAKING MISTAKES! If you don't stop making the same mistakes, what will you learn from it? There are reasons why mistakes are mistakes, so don't make them again and again.
Period 5 during Christmas time!

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