Sunday, February 21, 2016

Thinking Week...

     So at this point of the school year, this is where I want to ask myself, how much have you learned? Well once we approach Orientation and Graduation or more important things, that's when it will start to appear. If I were to join Leadership next year as a group leader, would it be a positive or negative thing? It could be a bit of both, but you'll never know if I could become one of the best students next year. All that will depend on the choices that you make as the year ends. The thing that will affect not only me but possibly my group and someone, is where I stand and rank in Leadership. My rank could possibly be gradually increasing because there hasn't been too many big mistakes lately. What I really want to do is help that someone make sure that they can get back there if they haven't yet. It would be great to be able to come back next year, but knowing my current grades and records, I won't have a high chance. Though, related to school I am still waiting forever to have my teachers grade everything and my probation may last until next week. We got back into Orientation like our dances and ISA banners. 
     Highlights of the week: We had a luncheon on Friday, getting further progress with our Orientation dances and banners, and we had a shorter week than usual since Monday was President's Day! Lowlights of the week: Always so tired this week, grades are still killing me pretty badly, some drama, and we had to have track cut short on Tuesday and Thursday. (Plus we still can't use Campbell's track field and we might not be able to until next school year which sucks.)
     Lesson learned this week: Every choice you make will lead you down a path with the door behind you closed, these choices are what will lead you on through these different and difficult sharp turns and it's just a short matter of time before your path comes to a dead end.
The Friday Luncheon with the Leadership Fam

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