Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sick week!!

     It's that week for me where i've been sick for a long periodically time. 3 days away from school really affected me, but at least I was able to recover by Friday, it would've been disastrous to miss the rest of the week after Monday. This week I don't have a lot to talk about because well like I said I wasn't here for most of it. Though, our Period was on T.V. this week and I didn't get to go on or make the Friday intro unfortunately, but thankfully my intro was made by Deriecka. Now that I was away from school for 3 days, I need to start catching up with all work and grades. On Friday, I had to miss afterschool sales because I had to take 2 tests in Math, which were both 10 min. each. My progress report is gonna look ugly if my teachers don't update anything I turned in. I definitely need to bring up those by the time we get our report cards, as well as finishing my AR goal right away.
     My highlights of the week are: Took 3 days off (both high and low), TV intro was done for me thankfully, and slowly getting back on my feet. Lowlights of the week are: Sick for 3 days, had to miss afterschool sales because of testing, had to have my YB photos edited for me because they weren't good for it, and I was absent so I couldn't do it myself, and grades are all over the place. This blog is shorter than usual too because I don't have a lot to say since I was absent.
     Lesson of the week is to always double check your work. My yearbook page was ugly, and the edits were too dark for the 8th teams, so Mr. Ing had to change those photos AND the team fonts. That's why it's so important to double check what you do, because it's not a good thing if others have to do what you were responsible for.
Throwback to seeing cells through the microscopes

Sunday, January 24, 2016

What A Disaster.

      This week really wasn't my best. Marquee mistakes, different yearbook photo shade edits, last minute photo uploading, and yet I still am having problems with my computer. I can't put the photos into the place holders for the yearbook through my computer. Everytime I drag it there it doesn't give me any options or anything for the place holders. So now I need to use another computer which I don't have right now. I've been trying the whole day and the whole Friday night trying to fix this problem but it didn't do anything. To top it off, I haven't been able to completely fix the photos, I figured I would fix most of those photo shades and I would combine both of those photos to make them blend in more, but Team 8-2 is more off than the others soo.. Then my other problem was Marquee, we accidentally took down the Grad meeting message when we weren't supposed to. I'm really close to going on probation again, one more small mistake can really make that happen. Also, my Social Studies grade is currently an F for some reason, I have to see if he has my papers because I am pretty sure I turned everything in.
     My Highlights of the Week are: We finished our Orientation banner top outline and marker. It was only a 4 day week, (I was absent on Wednesday so technically 3 days for me). I got A's on all of my Science quizzes and INB checks. My Lowlights of the Week are: I messed up on yearbook because of my different team photos and last minute things. Marquee is messed up. My Social Studies grade is an F because I have lots of missings for some reason. Problems with Computer at home.
     My Lesson of the Week is, be careful. It doesn't seem like such a huge message, but it can mean a lot in different ways. Like being careful with editing yearbook photos or doing the marquee so that you don't mess up. Being careful can take you to places and is a really helpful tip, especially when it's something like my situation, i'm still learning about being more careful about things, but even though I am not really able to completely do this, at least I know that. I can't tell if a Lesson is something that you are able to do, or if it's just something you know, but either way, it's a great lesson.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

My first week back!

     These past 3 days have been hard, but they also had a semi positive outcome. With third quarter here, there is a lot to do with Orientation and Yearbook. It's not easy to have to do Orientation banners, practice dancing, work on yearbook, and not to mention AR has weekly goals now but i'm not to worried about that in contrast to the other things we have to do this quarter. Plus this week had it's ups and downs, like how I was able to get my vest back, but for a big cost. I must keep working hard and stop making careless mistakes. On that note, I have to show why I am in Leadership in the first place and make sure Mr. Ing doesn't rethink putting me in. Other than that I think this has been a successful first week of the quarter, I have have to keep it that way.
     My highlights of the week are: Me and the rest of the 7th graders in Pd. 5 finished Marquee in the 15 minute time limit that we had. I got my vest back, but in exchange for another bad thing related to this. My classes were good, and I have a new elective: Home Economics. My lowlights of the week are: The bad thing in exchange for my vest was that someone else in my period got on probation in exchange. Though, that was the only lowlight of the week, which is good because I started off the quarter with less lowlights then I did last quarter. New quarter, fresh start!
     My lesson of the week is mistakes are supposed to be a learning experience, they aren't there for you to do it again. I realized that over my winter break when I really started thinking about what I should do to improve and do better in Leadership, STOP MAKING MISTAKES! If you don't stop making the same mistakes, what will you learn from it? There are reasons why mistakes are mistakes, so don't make them again and again.
Period 5 during Christmas time!