My highlights of the week are that I got to go out on Chad's birthday and did pretty good on the event. Simply give the ballot as well as a valid explanation of what to do with it after you are finished filling it out. Another highlight is that my grades are great as there are only 4 A's and 2 B's other than an F which will be edited after my AR is complete. My lowlights of the week are that I never got to finish my AR goal yet, and if I don't I can't come on the retreat. There was a log in problem I had so I never got to actually check my AR goal until Friday. My final lowlight from this week is Mr. Bonilla and his growth mindset speech. On Monday a mistake happened and Mr. Bonilla never got to finish his growth mindset speech, in which he could've just came in again the next week because it looked like he did fine on Monday. Unbelievably, he wants to come back again the next day to repeat himself and add in a few extra sentences that hold no extra significance to his speech whatsoever and there are students who don't even care about his speech and really isn't a reason to say something in relativity to a topic every single Monday and ending it in think about it. This really isn't supposed to be offending but it was really irritating because we had to make room and remake the whole slides to put in his speech which we had to type out.
The lesson of the week I learned is patience. Patience is a trait that could lead you somewhere if you just learn how to wait. If I was more patient with Mr. Bonilla's speech I wouldn't have had to have him complain to us about having an incomplete speech because when really, there are more important things around and it could've saved much time. Being patient makes you wait for opportunities and learn to make you feel more okay with waiting. If I would just be patient with trying to make Mr. Bonilla's speech (Only typed partial amount of his speech) and didn't rush before the bell rang, maybe there wouldn't have been an error and we would have gotten through without making this such a major lowlight of my week. This is why patience is a very important lesson.
(Sorry for swearing- "Growth Mindset")
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