Sunday, September 27, 2015

TV Signs and Parent Nights

           This week was great and very enjoyable. We had a parent night on Wednesday in which my job was to pass out ballots about the parent and community reps and explain to the parents to put the ballot in the gray box once filled out. For the first time, I had TV job and what I did was type out the script for the people going on or hold the sign that said "CCTV" in which Miah REALLY wanted to go on TV but she wasn't ready to yet. When Chad, Deriecka, and Kaylin all went up, I had the job of making sure that all slides of the script went through, thankfully I didn't mess up on that. Now for all of my classes, Period 1 (Math): Went from 77.5 to 81 but still aiming for an A this last week of the quarter, hoping with that because big test will be graded soon. Period 2 (Science): I didn't get the vital supply needed to conduct my group experiment but we were able to adapt fast and change our experiment, now we are caught up to date. Period 3 (Basic Keyboarding): Doing great in that class, Aced my written test and type fast enough to have free time that I can use to do other school related activities (studying, homework, ar). Period 4 (English): My class started typing out our embedded assessment, but sadly as I was about to make my last sentence, I made a spelling error and as I was about to delete, it highlighted all so when I pressed, it deleted everything and it was very upsetting especially the fact that undoing didn't work and I couldn't restore it. Period 5 (Leadership): Didn't practice our cheer dance at all after Monday, but we did clean the desks in A102 and we did grade check on Friday. Period 6 (Social Studies): There was SO much movement going on, and i'm being very literal about this. Everytime I get to class I always sit next to someone else and our teacher Mr. Chong lets us go to empty seats if we want, which is sometimes distracting especially when in the middle of a lesson, and we got to watch funny videos.
          My highlights of the week are that I got to go out on Chad's birthday and did pretty good on the event. Simply give the ballot as well as a valid explanation of what to do with it after you are finished filling it out. Another highlight is that my grades are great as there are only 4 A's and 2 B's other than an F which will be edited after my AR is complete. My lowlights of the week are that I never got to finish my AR goal yet, and if I don't I can't come on the retreat. There was a log in problem I had so I never got to actually check my AR goal until Friday. My final lowlight from this week is Mr. Bonilla and his growth mindset speech. On Monday a mistake happened and Mr. Bonilla never got to finish his growth mindset speech, in which he could've just came in again the next week because it looked like he did fine on Monday. Unbelievably, he wants to come back again the next day to repeat himself and add in a few extra sentences that hold no extra significance to his speech whatsoever and there are students who don't even care about his speech and really isn't a reason to say something in relativity to a topic every single Monday and ending it in think about it. This really isn't supposed to be offending but it was really irritating because we had to make room and remake the whole slides to put in his speech which we had to type out. 
          The lesson of the week I learned is patience. Patience is a trait that could lead you somewhere if you just learn how to wait. If I was more patient with Mr. Bonilla's speech I wouldn't have had to have him complain to us about having an incomplete speech because when really, there are more important things around and it could've saved much time. Being patient makes you wait for opportunities and learn to make you feel more okay with waiting. If I would just be patient with trying to make Mr. Bonilla's speech (Only typed partial amount of his speech) and didn't rush before the bell rang, maybe there wouldn't have been an error and we would have gotten through without making this such a major lowlight of my week. This is why patience is a very important lesson.

(Sorry for swearing- "Growth Mindset") 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

ID's and Retreat Cheers! (1st Blog!)

                Today's week felt a little slower than usual. I was on ID's this week which was eh, but I really liked music better and i'm hoping TV is fun but if I have to go on I really don't want to make a mistake or that'll give a bad impression in leadership and make me the schools laughing stock. As well as adjusting to how leadership works, i'm still trying to get used to my period change in science from period 5 to 2 as my leadership period is now 5. Plus, on Friday Mr. Ing was not going to be there for HR/Adv. so we asked even period teachers if we could stay in their classroom for Friday. During Homeroom (Back at Leadership HR), I got to share my bio-cube, I had to greet the class, introduce myself, explain my photo, memorize my 6 paragraphs, then supposedly I would have a random one chosen from when Mr. Ing rolls a die but he let me choose, and finally I got to thank my audience. In Period 1: Math it was same same but I did have a test that I think I did very good on and correcting homework and extra credit assignments only thing I don't have an A on, current grade::B. For Period 2: Science like I said above i'm still trying to get used to my new period, was assigned the method and hypothesis in my S.I The 8 Steps, as well as get into a group and decide who brings what, current grade:A. Also Period 3: Basic Keyboarding it's gotten so much easier, i've went from being really bad to one of the top typers in my class, i'd like to say I am the fastest but I don't want to get so ahead of myself and be humble, current grade: A. Period 4: English I have an Embedded Assessment going on which takes up 25% of my grade so it makes me really nervous, current grade: A. Period 5: Leadership <3 By far the funnest of all periods, I was able to rehearse and learn my retreat cheer and dance which was really tiring and my legs hurt so much on Friday but it really was fun, also learned and got to make boba in the previous pd. 5 class, current grade: A. Period 6: Social Studies this is a little fun compared to my other periods besides leadership, but we went through A LOT of videos and I got kind of confused because even thought it wasn't a full score I had an A on an assignment but it was weird because it dropped my grade -2.1% but my overall grade is still: A.
               There were a positive ratio of highlights to lowlights with that being the most affecting which is a very good thing. First of my highlights being that I was able to raise all of my current grades to an A except my B in math which is still a work in progress. The second, is that I learned how to do 2 of 4 jobs already and it's only been my second week in leadership. Next week i'll learn all 4 since TV and Afterschool sales are the same period of rotation. The last of my highlights is that we already have a lot of our retreat cheer planned out and got to make the boba during our period right before class ended, so in short my period didn't waste much time and did what we were supposed to. Lowlights of my week begin with sharing my biocube, now I have to say that I didn't do as bad as I thought especially how at my interview I was way more nervous in front of 3 people, but my communication contained a lot of ums and likes but at a lesser rate. Then, the second of my lowlights is I found out about the parent night thing last minute, which is horrible because I had something planned afterschool on Wednesday which I had to ask my Mom about which got her a little irritated, then I told her a day later I had a parent night thing which affected those plans, luckily I resolved everything and I can still go on Wednesday and attend the parent night event. Then the last is also another last minute relation but, I found out about Ohana Fair the day before it was going to happen. Sadly I was too afraid of getting scolded about last minutes and I didn't want to ask my Mom to go which I then regret because I found out she would've let me go if I just asked her. The rest of that day I cried on my couch (hey 20 minutes is a long time).
              There are great lessons that I learned from this week in leadership. Either the lesson being every second counts because work in leadership you have to use your time efficiently, work your hardest and make great quality work, or focus on what's going on now so you know what to do or what's currently going on. I believe that the lesson that really stood out in my week is cooperation. In leadership, cooperation is vital because without it you can't help others and show what to do and that is partly what it means to be a leader. An example of cooperation was shown when I was shown what to do at my job, such as, making ID's and how it's done, making boba, learning the cheer for my retreat,.what to do to grab ice from the cafeteria, and doing lunch music. If you don't cooperate with others well in leadership it provides a bad example of how a leader should be and could be a big problem. Teamwork is something I recognize to be a very close match next to cooperation, teamwork must also be used to succeed in Leadership, there is another important reason why teamwork is important like in binder checks. If other students don't help a student with a binder check and he gets an F, the whole class will as well. This is why teamwork and cooperation is necessary to pass and succeed. Even if sometimes the things done may not show how it is displaying how being a leader works, they all have a reason to them, they teach you the traits and necessities of being a leader and provide a great example. Therefore, teamwork and cooperation are keys to being a good leader.