Sunday, November 29, 2015

Short Week! (Late Blog)

     I don't have a lot to say about this week because it was only 3 days long, but it was Thanksgiving and Black Friday! It was a long 4 day weekend, and I was pretty satisfied with my Black Friday shopping. Anyways, we were on ID's for 3 days, and those 3 days, at least one person is absent. Monday, Miah was absent. Tuesday, Miah was absent and Deriecka went home, and Wednesday, Deriecka was absent. It was such a fast week and not a lot happened. For my classes, in Period 1 (Math): Mrs. Gouveia needs to update my grade which she hasn't done anything about it yet. We started doing constant rates of change.  Period 2 (Science): Began working on our Microscope lab, we did cheek, onion, and a certain leaf (I forgot it's name). Period 3 (Basic Keyboarding): We started our google slides project of  Technology that changed the world. Period 4 (English): Began our research for EA 2 and already went into certain things we need for that test. Period 5 (Leadeship): ID"s and Orientation dance, Deriecka also had to go home because of a scratched eye. Period 6 (Social Studies): Started our History Day topic, finished all of the Hawaiian Monarchy, and worked with a partner for my circle map.
     Highlights of my week are: We had an easy ID's week because there wasn't a lot of people coming in, and there weren't a lot of new students this week either, we had a 4 day weekend because of  Thanksgiving, and it felt like such a fast week. Lowlights of the week are: I wasted time during period 5 when I could've been doing productive things. The second lowlight is I don't have my updated grades for math yet. Another lowlight, is since it was a short week, there wasn't a lot we could get done in my classes, especially when there's something fun we could've done.
     My lesson for the week is that if I don't do what is needed, it could really set everyone back, and not just me, but my whole class or period. When I was in Period 5, I was on my phone and eating snacks when I could've been doing something a lot more productive like Orientation dance, or reading for AR so next time I gotta remember to do what I need to or else I won't be able to finish anything that I have to do, especially with the quarter being just a few weeks away from ending.
     My magic note that I will choose was very kind, put a lot of thought into, and a great friend. It was pretty long, and it made me feel special. There was so much more effort put into this magic note than the rest of the ones that I received and I am very thankful that I got this magic note and it was just amazing.
My AR Goal.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Career Day

     This week was pretty much all about Orientation in Leadership. Every Homeroom this week, we were practicing our dance and Miah was our choreographer. I had to work on both lip-syncing and dancing for the girls song and boys song. Not to mention that I have to do other dances like We Go Together. But anyways, this week, Period 5 had Music. We had no shifts because we wouldn't do shifts until everyone came early. But Miah kept on coming late for whatever reason, so that's one thing that she needs to work on. I did a lot of announcements this week and that was pretty easy compared to going on TV. Now for my classes, Period 1 (Math): Multiplying and Diving Rational Numbers and word problems. Period 2 (Science): Learning how to use a Microscope. Period 3 (Basic Keyboarding): We are working on a PowerPoint presentation about technology that changed the world. And we learned how to use graphs and digital presentations. Period 4 (English): Reading springboard topics like "Why violent video games should be banned!". Period 5 (Leadership): We were practicing our Orientation dances but Deriecka was gone almost the whole week. So we had to show her the differences that were made to each dances. Period 6 (Social Studies): We were talking about our History Day project topic and we were shown various topics from different videos that Mr. Chong showed us. I almost forgot to mention that we had career day this week and I got the private investigator. I got to learn things from him that I never knew or didn't realize.

     Highlights of the week are: I came early everyday for this whole week, I didn't get sick from anyone because that was something that we kept on talking about, and my Music announcements are really good. The music announcements were always about the hike, team picture taking, and track sign ups. Lowlights of the week are: It kept on raining pretty hard on Thursday so we couldn't do anything on Thursday for track, but I did get the forms. We didn't have shifts because we couldn't come on time. And I didn't remember a part of Beauty School Dropout.

     My lesson of the week is take your time doing things because the longer you work on something, then your work could be of better quality. If you just add in extra time to check your work and make sure you did some things right, the more your work will pay off. These are one of the things I learned while listening to the private investigator. He was really good at interpreting things easily and had a very motivational lesson. He kept on talking about things like this lesson and I learned a lot from him. It was a good thing I got him for career day because he was pretty funny and very patient, I wanted to take my time instead of rushing so I don't panic and make a mistake.

    The magic note I chose this week was Deriecka's because her magic note was very inspiring and it gave me a clue to what I must've been doing right and wrong. Her magic note was great and it also told me I'm doing a good job, and I was improving. Those are the reasons why I did choose Deriecka's magic note and it was really nice. There was a little more to it and it was really touching.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Trouble in Period 5 and 2 Crazy Days

     This week was probably the most craziest experience in leadership so far. There was a lot of hectic movement around A101 due to having to always move things around for separate occasions. It started with getting into trouble after being very loud in A102 when we were supposed to be cleaning up. Then the practice evacuation, when I forgot to get my sign, I didn't hold my sign still, and didn't copy the correct diagrams down after that which gave more problems for Period 5 to deal with. Thursday was probably one of the more "craziest" days. We had to go to the evacuation drill, and some of the classes didn't know what to do with their attendance and started kneeling down when they weren't supposed to. To top off that evacuation drill, it began to rain. Then, we had to go into the Campbell gym, and we had an assembly about saying yes to your passion. Finally for that day, we had Campus Beautification, not much to explain about that, but we did painting and set up everything for that day. Now for Friday, we had ISA jobs for Softball and Basketball, and the things we did lasted the whole school day. I think I did a pretty good job for keeping score for softball.
     My highlights for the week are, my Period did a good job during ISA and did what they were supposed to do. The two crazy days we've been through was a success and especially Friday. ISA softball was pretty funny to watch, and it was nice for me because I was sitting under the shade feeling the breeze, and nothing hit me in the face. The lowlights of the week begin with Tuesday. There was a lot of screaming in A102 during Period 5, when we were supposed to be cleaning. We got onto probation till the next morning when we were given a chance after marquee. Then, I messed up when we went to the park to practice where we stand because I didn't hold my sign still. Plus, I didn't copy down the correct diagrams for evacuation drill and copied down a different one until Tiana finally told me. Then Thursday, we didn't do a good job of lining up the field because I needed to keep being reminded to drag my foot back and didn't understand until a few reminders. Thankfully, we did a good job on Friday for ISA and that made up for part of our mistakes.
     The lesson I learned this week was to always set your priorities first. This is a very important lesson because if you can't set your priorities first, then where do you think you'll be going in life? Priorities are basically like goals. Priorities are the difference between what you NEED to do, and what you don't have to. There are things that have to be done and you can't just stand around doing unnecessary things when you have to do something else. This is an important lesson that I learned this week due to every crazy thing that has went on, ISA and when we had Trouble during Period 5. These are my reasons why setting your priorities first is a very important lesson.
     The magic note I chose was chosen because it told me that though we had some troubles here and there, we will get through this week. It also said that we just have to remember our expectations, and I have improved for Friday. This is some what motivational due to the fact that we have been through such a tough week and a lot of hectic movement. That's why i'm happy that I received note because it reminds me what we must do, and how I am improving.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Birthday Week :)

     This week in Leadership was very fun. My birthday is going to be this Sunday, November 1st :)). Anyways, going back to topic, my week was very fun. This is the second week in a row we had 3 odd periods because of the holiday last week. For Period 1 (Math): We did the same as usual, INB, Unit 3, and correct hw. Period 2 (Science): The best drawing tabs in the world. I should get an award for my master tab drawings. Period 3 (Basic Key.): Skills test, practice time writing. Period 4 (English): Spring Board, SBA review (how we did). Period 5 (Leadership): We were rehearsing orientation dance for a little bit. Period 6 (Social Studies): We were doing Kamehameha 1,2,3 royal cards. For my Kamehameha 1 timeline, I got a macadamia chocolate box for it being nice and Mr. Chong said it looked like a lot of effort was put in.
     Highlights of my week are: I was able to do my musical announcement without making a mistake for the first time, my birthday is this week, we finished our Intramural successfully, and Flu Shot Clinic was also pretty successful. My lowlights of the week are: My Toad costume ripped, our music almost played ads, I have low grades, and I kept on forgetting to respond to walkie messages like saying "10/4". It was hard to keep track of this week, this week really just passed by way too fast.
     The lesson I learned for the week is sportsmanship. After seeing everyone out there during Flag Football, I learned that being a good sport is a very good thing. You lose points everytime you do anything unsportsmanlike. I wouldn't want to have to deal with a sore loser that keeps on throwing temper tantrums based off losing points or not getting a goal. That's why Sportsmanship is important when learning how to be a better person and friendly in general.
     The magic notes that I chose were very motivating and kind. It told me to be myself and that I was an amazing person. The note said that I was funny and was the note itself was very funny too. I chose it for these reasons, and it gave me a positive feeling, none of them said anything like that and it was a very unique note. I really liked reading it and it made me feel happy and was by far the best note that I got this week. Thank you to the person who gave me this note. It made my day.